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Pitch your startup to thousands of investors seamlessly, accelerate your due-dilligence to close faster.






Trusted by 100+ companies and 2,000+ investors.

Discover our solutions for

Find & manage your


Pitch your startup to thousands of investors seamlessly, accelerate your due-dilligence to close faster.






Trusted by 100+ companies and 2,000+ investors.

Discover our solutions for

Find & manage your


Pitch your startup to thousands of investors seamlessly, accelerate your due-dilligence to close faster.






Trusted by 100+ companies and 2,000+ investors.

Find your new investors easily.

Create a short Pitch in a minute

Import your Pitch Deck and your fundraising details in less than 2 minutes.

View all startups raising funds

Send your Deck to 2,000+ investors.

Push your Pitch Deck to our registered investors, or easily share it with external investors worldwide with a simple url !

Get a Yes/No answer in seconds.

You get a direct answer directly in your dashboard : Interested ? Book a meeting and let the magic happen !

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No credit card required

Free account

No credit card required

Your new tools to success in your fundraising and beyond.

Our solutions for successful fundraising and beyond

Accelerate your due-dilligence

A single source of truth for your company. Maximize efficiency, security, and collaboration Keep your sensitive information organized and secure while streamlining critical business processes with our innovative Dataroom platform.

Setup your Dataroom

Virtual Dataroom

Discover the best opportunities in the private market. The opportunities vary from profitable shrinking companies to high-growth.

Maximum security

We showcase different metrics about every opportunity. If you find an opportunity that is a great fit for you, you can request all financial metrics.

Share easily

If the company accepts your request, we will connect you with the founder. And you can start negotiating. Discover the best opportunities.

Invite your collaborators

Once your business gets listed, qualified investors can request access to all your metrics and an introduction. You can either accept.

Enhance your investor relations

Enhance your investor relations with our streamlined reporting feature, designed to help you build trust and foster lasting connections with your stakeholders. Keep your investors engaged, informed, and confident in your company's growth.

Setup your first reporting easily

Drive interactions

Discover the best opportunities in the private market. The opportunities vary from profitable shrinking companies to high-growth.

Quality reports

We showcase different metrics about every opportunity. If you find an opportunity that is a great fit for you, you can request all financial metrics.

Smart money

If the company accepts your request, we will connect you with the founder. And you can start negotiating. Discover the best opportunities.

Manage your shareholders

Our platform ensures the security of your investments and provides a transparent solution for founders, investors, and employees to effortlessly track their shares. Our easy-to-use interface enables all stakeholders to view their ownership stakes, monitor vesting schedules, and stay informed on the company's equity status.

Build your captable in 5 min.

Equity Management

Discover the best opportunities in the private market. The opportunities vary from profitable shrinking companies to high-growth.


We showcase different metrics about every opportunity. If you find an opportunity that is a great fit for you, you can request all financial metrics.

Share certificates

If the company accepts your request, we will connect you with the founder. And you can start negotiating. Discover the best opportunities.

Shareholder access

Once your business gets listed, qualified investors can request access to all your metrics and an introduction. You can either accept.

Why they use Shareable ?

Why they use Shareable ?

“ Shareable has saved me countless hours in my fundraising efforts. I was able to send out my pitch deck in just 5 minutes and quickly connect with potential investors. This efficiency has significantly expedited the process of securing new funding. ”


Louis Tellier

“ Shareable has enhanced my communication with shareholders: I can now share reports and documents with ease and security. My investors now have direct access to all important information and decisions being made at Money Walkie. ”

“ Shareable has enhanced my communication with shareholders: I can now share reports and documents with ease and security. My investors now have direct access to all important information and decisions being made at Money Walkie. ”


Raphaëlle Leprette
Money Walkie

Know your options

Know your options

You are looking for investors

You are looking for investors

Managing equity & shareholders

Managing equity & shareholders

Centralize data & send reporting

Centralize data & send reporting

Join the network now !